This in-depth look at contemporary Cuban artwork focuses on the digital media exchange culture of “El Paquete Seminal”: a mirror and method to scrutinize the relationship of Cuban artists to contemporary art and culture within Cuba and internationally.
The Cuban Matrix is an ambitious project featuring an in-depth look at contemporary Cuban artwork, with emphasis on digital media exchange culture. Cuba is navigating two distinct temporal realities: the reality of economic isolation (the blockade) and that of instant communication made possible by increasing access to technology. The focus of The Cuban Matrix is the offline digital “mercado” (marketplace) sharing culture that has arisen around the phenomenon of “El Paquete Semanal”: a weekly terabyte packet comprised of downloaded webpages,information, and entertainment that is shared and consumed throughout Cuban society—a solution to the country’s limited access to virtual information systems. The works comprising The Cuban Matrix explore aspects of the digital mediation between Cuba and the rest of the world, delving into the intersection between the country’s isolation and its increasing interaction with modern technology.
This in-depth look at contemporary Cuban artwork focuses on the digital media exchange culture of “El Paquete Seminal”: a mirror and method to scrutinize the relationship of Cuban artists to contemporary art and culture within Cuba and internationally.
The Cuban Matrix is an ambitious project featuring an in-depth look at contemporary Cuban artwork, with emphasis on digital media exchange culture. Cuba is navigating two distinct temporal realities: the reality of economic isolation (the blockade) and that of instant communication made possible by increasing access to technology. The focus of The Cuban Matrix is the offline digital “mercado” (marketplace) sharing culture that has arisen around the phenomenon of “El Paquete Semanal”: a weekly terabyte packet comprised of downloaded webpages,information, and entertainment that is shared and consumed throughout Cuban society—a solution to the country’s limited access to virtual information systems. The works comprising The Cuban Matrix explore aspects of the digital mediation between Cuba and the rest of the world, delving into the intersection between the country’s isolation and its increasing interaction with modern technology.
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